How to use Terraform with Docker?

How to Use Terraform with Docker: An 8-Step Guide

Step 1: Install Docker

Install Docker on your system if you haven't already. Docker lets you package, distribute, and run applications as containers.

  • Windows and macOS: Download Docker Desktop from the official Docker website and follow the installation instructions.
  • Linux: Follow the instructions on the Docker website for your specific distribution.

Step 2: Create a Terraform Project Directory

Create a new directory for your Terraform project and navigate into it using the command line.

Step 3: Create a Dockerfile

Create a new file named `Dockerfile` in the project directory. This file describes the Docker image you want to build for running Terraform.

Step 4: Configure the Dockerfile

Open the `Dockerfile` in a text editor and add the following content to it:


FROM hashicorp/terraform:latest  

WORKDIR /terraform  

COPY . .  

ENTRYPOINT ["terraform"]   ```  

This `Dockerfile` uses the official `hashicorp/terraform` Docker image as the base image. It sets the working directory to `/terraform`, copies the contents of the project directory into the image, and sets the `terraform` command as the entrypoint.

Step 5: Save the Dockerfile

Save the Dockerfile and exit the text editor.

Step 6: Build the Docker Image

Build the Docker image by running the following command in the project directory:  


docker build -t terraform-docker .  


This command builds the Docker image and tags it with the name `terraform-docker`.

Step 7: Run Terraform Commands

After the image is built, you can use it to run Terraform commands. For example, to initialize a new Terraform project, run the following command:  


docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/terraform terraform-docker init  


This command mounts the current directory as the `/terraform` directory inside the Docker container and runs the `init` command using the `terraform` entrypoint defined in the `Dockerfile`.

Step 8: Continue with Terraform Operations

You can continue running other Terraform commands using the same pattern. For example, to plan and apply changes, use the following commands:  


docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/terraform terraform-docker plan  

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/terraform terraform-docker apply  


These commands mount the current directory and run the respective Terraform commands inside the Docker container.

By following these steps, you can use Docker with Terraform to ensure a consistent environment across different systems, avoiding any dependency issues, and enabling easy distribution and replication of the Terraform process.