How to use Ansible with Prometheus?

Ansible is a powerful automation tool that can be used to configure and manage Grafana, a popular open-source data visualization and monitoring tool. By following a few simple steps, you can integrate Ansible with Grafana to streamline your infrastructure management and deployment processes.

To use Ansible with Prometheus, follow these steps:

Install Ansible on your control machine:

  1. On Linux, use package managers like apt or yum.
  2. On macOS, use Homebrew.
  3. On Windows, use WSL or Ansible inside a Docker container.

Set up an inventory file listing servers. Example hosts.ini:

prometheus-server ansible_host=
node1 ansible_host=
node2 ansible_host=

Create a playbook file, e.g., prometheus.yml, describing the Prometheus installation:

- name: Install Prometheus
 hosts: prometheus
 - name: Install required packages
     name: "{{ item }}"
     state: present
     - prometheus
     - prometheus-node-exporter
     - prometheus-alertmanager

 - name: Copy Prometheus configuration file
     src: prometheus.yml
     dest: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
     - restart prometheus

- name: Restart Prometheus
 hosts: prometheus
 - name: Restart Prometheus service
     name: prometheus
     state: restarted

Create prometheus.yml configuration file; adjust based on your requirements.

Run the playbook to install and configure Prometheus on targeted servers:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini prometheus.yml

After these steps, Prometheus should be installed and running. Access the web interface at the server's IP with port 9090 (e.g.,