Install and set up Jenkins on your server or local machine.
Install the Grafana plugin for Jenkins in Jenkins. This plugin allows Jenkins to push data to Grafana.
Configure your Jenkins job to publish metrics and data that you want to monitor in Grafana. This can be done by adding the appropriate steps or plugins to your Jenkinsfile or job configuration.
In Grafana, create a new data source for Jenkins. Go to Configuration > Data Sources and click on "Add data source". Choose "Jenkins" from the available options and configure the URL and credentials for your Jenkins server.
Once the data source is created, you can create a new dashboard in Grafana and add panels to display the data from Jenkins. You can configure each panel to show specific metrics or data from your Jenkins job.
Customize your Grafana dashboard with visualizations, graphs, and alerts as needed.
Save and share your Grafana dashboard with your team or stakeholders. You can also schedule regular email reports or set up alerting notifications based on specific thresholds.
By integrating Jenkins with Grafana, you can gain valuable insights and visualizations on your Jenkins job performance, test results, build trends, and other metrics. This helps in monitoring and improving the software development and delivery process.