How to Reduce Alert Fatigue with Event Tagging in Squadcast?

Event Tagging is a rule-based, auto-tagging system with which you can define customised tags based on incident payloads, that get automatically assigned to incidents when they are triggered

While creating a new Service:

To create tagging rules:

  • Navigate to Services -> Service Overview -> select or search for your desired service.
  • In the extreme right, expand the accordion -> In Automation section, View All
  • In the Tagging Rules section, Add Tagging Rules
  • Select an Alert Source from the drop down -> Add New Rule
  • On the right, you can view the payload of the latest alert for the chosen Alert Source
  • The drop-downs in the Rule Builder contain values from the payload on the right. You can use them to easily create your Tagging Rules
  • You can create Tagging Rules using the following conditions:
Operator Condition
== If the payload value is equal to the given value
!= If the payload value is not equal to the given value
matches/contains If the payload value matches (or contains) the given value
does not contain If the payload value does not contain the given value
  • Map any Key and Value pair as a tag. Multiple tags can be defined for each rule. You can select different colors for each of your tags
  • Click on Save to save the tagging rules

 For more info, check the full guide here.

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